Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wake Up Call

So it is 6:30am and the quiet morning is broken with the sounds of a four year old little voice saying...."Mama".....We both refuse to move and hope she decides to go back to sleep. Why is it that she chooses to wake up at the butt crack of dawn on days when we didn't get to bed until late??? The voice gets louder...."MAMA." I am only thankful that she is calling for Mary Lou rather than me, so I keep my eyes closed tightly and hope that Mare will crawl out of bed.
Finally Mare gives in and she heads to Callie's room. Although I feel guilty (well, maybe for a minute because typically it is my name she calls at these ungodly hours) I slip under the covers and catch a few more zzzzz's.
So when I finally decide to peel myself out of bed I find poor Mary Lou sipping coffee which I am sure she desperately needed because I know she wasn't in bed earlier than 2am. I ask what our little angel wanted at such an early hour, and you'll never imagine what she said. really appreciate this let's take a step back so that I can explain. Over the past few weeks we have been looking at pictures of her new found family. She is like a little old lady in that she remembers no ones names!! So, we go over it again and again. It is actually funny when she thinks Sydney is her!! Anyway, here Mary Lou is at 6:30 a.m. asking Callie why she called her to her room. Callie's answer....
"Guess what Mama...MIKAELA!!!"
Here Callie was so proud that she remembered Mikaela's name that she pulled her Mama out of bed to tell her. So Mare's wake up call today was one word....MIKAELA!!! Go figure!!!!


MizB said...

It's hard getting up early ;o) Funny blog. Callie is a sweetheart working hard to learn names.

K J and the kids said...

That is the CUTEST damn thing EVER.
Syd will do the SAME thing. She will wake up and show me something like crossing her fingers. Something that she had been working on (unbeknownst to me)

I also LOVE that you are blogging.
See, it's the little details, these fun stories that I'd be missing otherwise.
Give her a big hug and kiss from us :)

hotomiky said...

Awww.. so precious! I just told Mikaela. She said she missed her so much. She would like to call her sometime. I told her that I will email you later on.

I'm so glad that you are blogging. So fun!!

Dee said...

That is hilarious!!!