Monday, October 22, 2007

Playing Catch Up!

I can't believe how fast this past week has flown! When I realized that I hadn't blogged in over a week I knew that K would be sending the Blog Police after me if I didn't get with it over here.
So...what has been happening in our little world? Well, last weekend our neighborhood had a great little party for the kids where they dressed up and paraded around the park. Of course Callie has been talking about being Spiderman since summertime. She LOVES him, and is constantly pretending that she can spin webs around everything....especially around her Mommy and Mama when they are attempting to discipline her, but that's another story!
Anyway, there she was beside all of the other little girls that were wearing pink lace and frilly gowns when one little girl finally had to ask; "why is she dressed up like a boy?"
M and I didn't have a minute to jump in and answer before Callie spoke up and proudly said "Because I like Spiderman."
I was anxiously awaiting what this child would say in reply because I was completely prepared to drop kick her out of the park if she was going to make fun of my little girl. (Not really, but I gotta admit the thought crossed my mind).
Well, to my surprise, the little girl just said quite perfectly that some little girls like boy things and some little boys like girl things, and "that's okay!"
I was THRILLED! Instead of the drop kick that I had prepared, I wanted to hug this child for being so smart, and so sweet to my little Spiderman! Although I really think Callie was prepared to stand up for herself quite nicely if needed which is so wonderful to know.
Anyway, here are a few shots of our day.

Here's Callie riding the little Ladybug at the park

And Mare wanted a turn on the Chipmunk too....had to let her or she would have cried :-)

Ever seen Spiderman do the limbo? Well now you have!

We also had a relaxing day with our four legged babies too. Meet Izzy the cat and Cappuccino the dog!

And here's Callie's first french kiss...YUCK! Although I think I have had worse dogs stick their tongue in my mouth in past moments I wish to forget!


K J and the kids said...

Ok SOOO many fun things.
But first....I can just hear it now....."of course..the LESBIANS are trying to turn their precious little princess in to a boy...GAW" :) ha ha ha
I LOVE it that she wanted to be spiderman. What a character.
Also, LOVE that Spiderman limbo move. She SERIOUSLY looks like she's practiced that.

Thanks for the pictures. I miss you guys when you don't blog.

Amy said...

I love that she is Spiderman. SHE ROCKS!!! (or should I say she spins)

Good for her for answering the little girl in the most simplest way. She likes Spiderman. Our little Pete is going to be Harold from Harold and the Purple Crayon for Halloween. I am sure we will get our fair share of being asked why she is dressed as a little boy. I will try and remember just to say "Because she likes Harold" You've got a good one there in your little girl.

Jen said...

Isn't it amazing how kids can be so accepting? In my experience its always the parents that muck it up.
I work for The Ch!ldren's Place (in Cranberry Township; you guys are in Steeler country right? :-D) and so often I'll hear a parent say something deragatory about a child's choice in clothing/halloween costume/etc. It's so frustrating because of course I can't offend them but inside I thinking why not let the kid wear what they want even if it's "girly" for a boy or "boyish" for a girl.
At any rate your Callie looks like an absolute sweetie and she totally rocks that Spidey costume :-)

DM & C said...

OMG!!!! YES I am in Steeler Country! I think some of my daughter's first words were while watching a Steeler game!!! She would yell "GO GO" as loud as her little lungs would allow. Can't believe you live so close! I have business partners in Cranberry! How cool!

hotomiky said...

So cute!! Callie - can't wait to see her hopefully soon!

Beautiful cat and dog!

K J and the kids said...

Tagged you :)