Monday, October 1, 2007

What's wrong with this picture??

When you were a kid did you ever look through a Highlight's Magazine and play a game where you are supposed to determine what might be wrong with a particular picture, or what is missing? I used to love those magazines when I was a kid, but if you never had the chance to see one, this is a picture that could have appeared in one of those games. Can you figure out what is missing??

Our Precious little angel was so anxious to help on garbage night that she didn't even stop to put on her pants! Ya gotta love our girl!!!

Looking all serious in her Butterfly shirt and Spongebob underwear, our girl is a wonderful little helper. I could just squeeze her!!!!


MizB said...

I still like Highlight's Mag.ha ha
That is so sweet that Callie helps. She is a sweetheart!

K J and the kids said...

I can see a lot wrong with this picture...
lets just start with child labor laws for one !
ha ha ha
She is such a doll....kiss her face for me !

hotomiky said...

So sweet!! I want to squeeze her cheeks!! so cute!!!

Holly said...

Very cute!

Amy said...

Since my kids rarely want to wear clothes, I was going to guess her helping with the garbage. Or maybe the iron above her toys. Or is KJ right regarding child labor laws?

How did you train her so well? She is stinkin' cute!!

Babykins said...

Such a sweet little helper.

K J and the kids said...

What's wrong with this picture is you haven't blogged in a WEEK !
That's whats wrong sister.